Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tatay-Nanay Tawagan Nila!

This article appeared on MindaNews November 30 2012 4:56 pm

Tatay-Nanay Tawagan Nila!

I have always loved family in all shapes and sizes, economic status and types of crises.  But I’m never so sure if at first glance the relationships discussed are about celebrities – showbiz or political.

But if family tells me there’s something worth viewing on the internet, it should be something special.  I saw Ram’s post on FB about Zoren-Carmina’s wedding.  I asked Raj if he can share the link?  Oh-kay… When you got highly wired boys in the Gulo household who I suppose are of marrying age (or shall I say at least one is) it shouldn’t be a problem especially if Tatay and Nanay beckon for some further advancement in their computer-internet education.

Ho-hum.  I’ve must have seen all those surprises on TV and YouTube that nothing surprises me anymore.  Or maybe if it did, the moments were fleeting and it is comforting to note that reality always sinks back in.  After almost two weeks that many netizens have swooned and shed tears and swooned and shed tears, I gave in to my skeptical self to check out if there’s really something in the video that makes it stand out.  The rock version of growing old together seemed awry; but credit good editing, the entertainment value went to the back seat as I later would realize.

“Tatay-Nanay tawagan nila!” My thoughts sort of jumped to my throat as I took my Pikit coffee when Carmina called Zoren Tatay.  What could be sweeter in this early Wednesday dawn than this very homegrown term of endearment.  I might have missed Zoren calling the mother of his twins “Nanay” in the clip – though he mentioned Honey more than once.  But it really didn’t matter.  Mommy is to Daddy as Mama is to Papa as Inâ is to Amâ as Oma is to Opa in tune with the latest Gangnam fashion.

These guys seem like they are very very good friends, what can I say.  They laugh and cry; share good humor and are joyful with hugs and kisses.  And I’m sure they quarrel too; but they must have done a lot of work to be able to grow into this level of relationship.  Their showbiz veneer must have shielded the real people in them, people who go through heartaches and pains like many of us do.

The little more that I know of the couple are them with those two adorable well-behaved twins on TV commercials; and it’s also nice to know that there’s a Tatay Reggie in the picture, who sheds tears of joy seeing his daughter raise a family of her own and passing the love to the next generation.

However this marriage would go in the next fifty years, I say a prayer in my heart that they remain strong together; and so with billions of other families around the world.  As it is said, let’s take care of the family; and society will take care of itself. ##

Cotabato City
28 November 2012

Aveen Acuña-Gulo posts in her Facebook as the Monumental Operations Manager (MOM) who is a Bukidnon-born Cebuano mother of three (3) Maguindanao-Ilonggo-Cotabateño children; who will always be a child at heart even if she is a hundred years old.

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